Wednesday 12 December 2012

Something amazing has happened to me and I have got to tell you about it

Last Saturday evening I had the great pleasure of being with the international evangelist Tony Anthony, who is the award winning author of the book “Taming The Tiger”. Our church had invited him to share his amazing story of how God impacted his life. People committed their lives to Jesus that evening – the power of his testimony glorified God in a mighty way.

As Tony came to the end of his story he asked a question. It was one of those “Wow” questions. He simply asked the people listening to think of a moment or event in their lives that had made such an impact on them that they just had to speak to people about it every day. As I sat there I felt challenged by it, and I am an evangelist! I often say when I preach or train people in evangelism that it a good thing to be challenged, especially by the word of God. We just have to make the choice to respond or ignore it.

“For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4: 20 NIV

“As for us, there’s no question—we can’t keep quiet about what we’ve seen and heard.” Acts 4: 20 The Message

We tell people how much money we saved when we went shopping, on a holiday or the saving of our mobile phone that was almost left on the train. But many of us fail to share the news about the one who truly saves.

Having worked in sales and sales training for many years, one of the most important points to learn to be effective in selling any product or service was to state the benefits of it rather than its features. For example, when selling cars a feature would be that there is a range of colours to choose from, whereas a benefit would be that the car does 80 miles to the gallon. I changed my car recently and told anyone who would listen about the money I was saving on fuel costs!

We don’t need to procure the Gospel message, because it doesn’t need selling and it doesn’t need exaggerating, sweetening, altering or watering down. It’s the most life impacting message that anyone can ever hear!

Key Point: There are more benefits than we could ever count in this life and beyond because of what Jesus has done!

If you just consider three benefits that making Jesus Lord of your life has done for you.

·        Eternal life
·        The Holy Spirit dwelling in your heart
·        Heaven

When we consider just those benefits, the realisation of what they mean should compel us to share what Jesus has done for us. It is better than anything I can think of. People need to hear the Gospel and God has a plan to use you and me to tell them. Yes, imperfect me and imperfect you. That is just incredible.

“Go and preach the Gospel to all creation.” Mark 16: 15

We must remember that Jesus wasn’t just talking to the disciples when He gave the commandment to go and preach the Gospel. He was talking to you and me as well.

It is important to understand that when we do in fact “Go” we never actually “Go” alone. We have the Holy Spirit who will always accompany us whenever and wherever we share Jesus.

We must pray for opportunities to share the message with people, asking God for the boldness you need to share it and then expect something to happen. It is essential that people see the love of Jesus in what we say and do most of all.

Some simple suggestions:

  • Read the word of God and let it fill your heart and mind. You simply can’t get enough of it. It will change you, guide you and equip you for the task.
  • Mix with people who are soul winners and people who witness for Christ on a regular basis. It is better caught than taught as my old boss used to say. What they do and say will rub off on you. If you were a footballer and you had the chance to train with Lionel Messi of Barcelona, there is no doubt that you would become a better footballer. Being with him, watching him and playing in game in his team would rub off onto you. The example is the same for any activity.
  • Learn how to witness by getting some evangelism training from a person or organisation that is a winner of souls for Christ. There is plenty of information available on the internet.
Let’s “Go” and witness for Christ!