Saturday 21 January 2012

Witnessing at work

Being an effective witness for Christ at work is a challenge that many Christians face, because we are paid to do our best by working hard for our employers. Proselytizing in a business or workplace often doesn’t go down well with employees and employers for obvious reasons. So how can we let people see Christ in us, so that we may create genuine opportunities to do what we were commanded by Jesus? 

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." Romans 12: 32

This is one of my favourite scriptures, because Jesus said “I will draw all men to Myself”. By quoting this scripture you may well think to yourself,“It sounds as if he is saying that I should let every colleague at my place of work know about Jesus” – and you would be right! However, we have to be wise here. We must lift up Jesus and let people see the Christ that dwells in our hearts by our words, actions and deeds. This is an incredibly powerful way of witnessing.

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” Matthew 5: 16

The Bible truly is a manual showing how we ought to live our lives. All the answers that we need about life are there. We just need to read it and get it into our hearts. When we do that the Holy Spirit will reveal amazing truths to us.
We must be different from our colleagues that don’t know Christ as their Saviour. This doesn’t mean we must act in a religious way that people cannot relate to, but rather it is trying to be like Jesus, letting His light and love shine through us. It’s a challenge, certainly because we have to constantly check ourselves to ensure that we present a Christ-like persona.

Key point: We must be different by allowing Jesus to shine in our lives for others to see

A well known evangelist once shared the story of when he worked in a local factory. He came to Christ and was so changed by the experience that it shocked people. Previously he was a rock singer who had a reputation to match. The transformation in his life was evident for all to see. Added to that, he wanted everyone in the factory to know about the life-changing Jesus he had found.

The factory where he worked was a large employer and as a result had a very large and busy staff canteen. Every day he would proclaim Jesus Christ by shouting scriptures like:

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.” Matthew 3: 2.

He even brought his guitar to work and would sing Gospel songs while people ate their food. He said “Within a couple of weeks I realised that the canteen was always nearly empty when I was on my dinner break”. It’s no wonder really, is it?

I know of another man who works in factory that acts in a similar way. He recently told his colleagues during their break time that they were all going to Hell. Consequently, people avoid him like the plague.

I am certain that you would agree that the method used by the converted rock singer and the factory worker do not have the desired effect. However, may I suggest a few simple ideas that you can use which will allow Jesus to shine through you and will inevitably lead someone to ask you questions about your faith. Here are five that achieve great results!

Don’t get involved in workplace Gossip:

It can be easy to allow yourself to be drawn into this type of situation. Always look for the good in the person being criticised and speak of that only. Make it clear to co workers that you don’t agree with “Work Gossip”. It may be difficult because the person being discussed may have done something bad. You can agree that it is wrong but leave it there.  You will soon discover that colleagues will say to you something like “I can tell you this about me, because I know you won’t tell anyone” The way you act in this regard will speak volumes.

Be a Godly example of an enthusiastic hard working and reliable worker:

Scripture states clearly how we should act at work:

“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favour, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3- 22-23.

Not only will it set an example to your colleagues but your bosses, too!

Be an encourager of colleagues:

Speak only good of them and be encouraging towards them when you have genuine opportunities to do so. It is vital that when you do, that what you say is congruent. In other words, you look like you really mean what you say. Unfortunately, many people never receive encouragement at all, not even from their bosses. What you say and do will make a difference. People will warm to you and it will start to happen very quickly in many cases.   

Be available to help:

Always be there to help when someone is in need. It might be pushing a car that has a flat battery, offering to pick up something from a shop or just getting the knives and forks together in the canteen for your colleagues. Over time people will start to view you differently.

Bring in the occasional gift to share with colleagues:

It might be a bag of doughnuts, some sweets or biscuits. When you do this you will hear genuine thanks from people as you do this. I have worked in offices when people have brought in a box of chocolates and said “Help yourselves”. People do just that, and are often grateful.

We are not just trying to convert people by deliberately acting in this way to somehow trick people into following Christ. Of course not. If Jesus is truly in our hearts, we should act like this anyway. People must see His love in us first of all.

In my experience, ( that) some colleagues will begin asking questions like, “What is different about you?” or “What would you do in this situation?”, because you are a person of integrity. You will then be able to bring Christ into your answer. When you do, it will back up the way you live your life.

1 comment:

  1. I heard the story of a teacher who found that in the staffroom of her new job everyone brought their own milk which they guarded jealously. She brough a 4 pinter and told everyone to help themselves. The others were shocked! The other idea I've found effective is to act as if others think as you do, even though you are aware that they probably don't. Trying to decide whether to move back to England from Australia my friend Ethel replied to friends' enquiries about her decision 'I'm waiting for God to confirm to me what I should do!' This either gave her listener an opportunity to ask how that could happen, or, for the more militant unbliever, gave her an opening to listen while they expressed their views without arguing with them, but just stating why she believed differently.
